A first-of-its-kind research, conducted by Nishlis Legel Marketing, in collaboration with ACC Israel, presents for the first time a glimpse into the world of Israeli legal advisers and provides insights gained from the study, which every lawyer, domestic and foreign – who has activity in Israel, must read and comprehend.
According to Nira Poren, CEO of ACC Israel, the survey shows that the in-house legal advisers play a crucial part in determining which law firms their respective companies will hire to assist them in their legal matters. The choice of firm will be made largely on the basis of acquaintance between the GC and the partners. At this junction the ACC is a dominant factor, the ACC through conferences, produces quality meetings between the GCs and partners and allows the GC to make an informed choice of his advisors.
The research answers questions such as which law firms in-house counsel prefer to work with? What are the considerations in choosing an international or domestic law firm? With how many international and domestic law firms do GCs work with? What kind of legal work do companies prefer to outsource to law firms and what do they prefer to leave internally? In addition, the study examined trends in face of the Covid crisis, for example, whether and how the crisis affected legal spending and the amount of work sent to law firms.