Welcome to the 5th edition of The US-Israel Legal Review. As our front cover headline encapsulates, Israel is
currently undergoing unprecedented challenges following the Hamas attack on its soil in October last year –
the bloodiest in Israel’s history – and the direct attack by Iran in April 2024.
Yet Israel and its economy remain resilient, and both have the unstinting support of the United States, Israel’s largest
defence and trading partner. Harnessing the characteristics of resilience, courage and commitment, as well as their
common values to drive innovation and progress have always been at the front of this relationship. Our opening
editorial highlights some of the key trends and challenges that shaped the Israeli economy in 2023, and shares some
thoughts on the implications for the future.
Israeli law firms explore a variety of topics, covering: litigation in Israel; Israeli M&A amidst transformation and
turbulence; noteworthy developments that have shaped the Israeli tax sphere over the past year; the interplay of
technology and mental health, with a particular focus on the transformative influence of gamified technology;
challenges to Israel’s intellectual property landscape amidst the ongoing conflict; and the revolution of financial
information & payments in Israel. In addition, US-headquartered professional services firm Marsh examines the
expedited rise in the use of representations and warranties insurance (RWI) in Israeli-nexus M&A.
From the US law firm side, there are articles on the ever-changing U.S. regulatory landscape and
its impact on Israeli fintechs; the US drug pricing regime – the most complex in the world; Artificial
Intelligence regulation in the US; the U.S. Corporate Transparency Act – what Israeli investors need to
know; and global M&A activity and the ongoing optimism in the Israeli market. There is also a piece on
exploring investment opportunities in the California market, as well as our General Counsel Roundtable.
We also bring you the latest Israel Desks League Tables, which showcases the most prominent law firms, from Magic
Circle firms and global powerhouses to large corporate law firms and specialist boutiques, all with clients that are
active in Israel-related deals in 2023. With funds being raised, transactions being completed, and joint ventures
being formed, the show very much goes on.
We hope you enjoy the issue.
Click here to read the US-Israel Legal Review 2023