By Eleni Chalkidou, Director of Strategic Communications.

There is no question, the legal landscape is exceptionally competitive. 

Legal directory rankings for individuals and firms continues to hold tremendous value. It is a seal of approval, indicating expertise and credibility to potential clients, and more importantly to existing ones. 

But what is the importance of good Social Media management for lawyers and how could that help rise above the competition and enhance individual rankings.

Social media offers lawyers a unique opportunity to establish a solid online presence. Being proactive in how you use and manage your Social Media platforms and profile, will undoubtedly help you showcase your knowledge, as it’s an easy way to demonstrate thought-leadership in your field of expertise. Legal insights, articles about market trends and case studies, will soon position you as a trusted authority in your area and jurisdiction.

Lawyers continually ask if there is a secret recipe to this. The answer would of course be, yes.

Engage with your connections and followers. It is vital tip to Social Media success. 

Interact with your audience via comments, direct messages, and by sharing expert content in simple terms and as much as possible with the use of visuals. Taking part in legal discussions by providing valuable insights will help build relationships and foster trust. It also demonstrates your approachability and shows that you are committed to client engagement. 

Be proactive in responding to queries and don’t ignore introductions. The number of times I introduce lawyers to each other on LinkedIn and they don’t respond… that could have been a chance to network and create opportunities for yourself and your firm.

People are aways shocked when I tell them to engage with their competitors. Not only does that strengthen your reputation but they will remember you during the legal directory research interviews. This in turn means chances of receiving positive recommendations that can boost your individual rankings are better.

I cannot emphasise enough how important good Social Media Management is for lawyers. 

It will enhance your online presence and improve how others see you. By showcasing your skills and building connections, you will differentiate yourself positively. Not only will such action open doors to success, it’s also a superb way to leverage Social Media platforms to make an impact ahead of individual legal directory interviews.